(This post is a continuation of my 21-day “One Word” Challenge: Fearless.)
Last night I got to do one of my favorite things: browse the bookstore. On the bargain table, I came across this eye-catching title: Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child.
I have been a big fan of Julia’s ever since I saw–and then read–Julie and Julia. And the more I learn about her, the more I want to learn. So I started skimming the first few pages to see if this particular volume needed to come home with me.
Then I saw it: the author described Julia Child as FEARLESS. That was it. I had to have the book. I had to get better acquainted with this remarkable, fearless woman.
Fearless people make good role models. I would argue that every remarkable individual who has ever made a difference has possessed some degree of fearlessness. Particularly those who’ve left their mark liberating others from oppression and fear:
The founding fathers. William Wilberforce. Harriet Tubman. Gandhi. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Feel free to insert your own favorite heroes here.) The list could go on and on.
A fearful life leaves no legacy. A fearless life can change the world forever.
I don’t expect to make history, but I do hope to make a difference. To leave the world just a little bit better than I found it. So I’m going to spend more time with fearless people and watch how they do it.
“My friends, I want you to follow my example and learn from others who closely follow the example we set for you.” Philippians 3:17 (CEV)