Aug 28, 2018 | Challenges
I’ve determined that difficult people are like the poor. We will have them “always with us.” Fair enough. Just so long as they’re not near me. I’ve gotten pretty good at keeping a safe distance from difficult people. One of the perks of...
Feb 10, 2015 | Busy Families; Active Kids
Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 I once asked my...
Feb 6, 2015 | Ordinary Moments
(This post is a continuation of my 21-day “One Word” Challenge: Fearless.) When I think of a fearless life, I picture it as a grand and glorious adventure. Ever notice how adventures usually lie beyond the comfort of our own home? Sure, Dorothy may have realized that...
Aug 21, 2014 | Book Reviews, Purpose
This is the third in a series of posts following the impact of The Cure for the “Perfect” Life in the life of this recovering perfectionist. You will find additional posts in the Book Reviews category. Meanwhile, hear what other brave rebels are saying or get your own...